The Impact of Artificial Lighting on Your Eye Health

Eye Clinic Calgary

The human body is directly connected to nature. Spending hours under natural light and consuming food prepared with natural ingredients keeps you healthy and fit throughout your life.

But what if you work under artificial light and even start consuming food prepared with artificial flavours and ingredients? Surely, you’ll face several difficulties with your health.

In this article, let’s discuss the impact of working under artificial lighting on your eyes. Did you know that working under artificial lights can cause strain and other eye issues?

Experts at eye clinic Calgary share that from office to home nowadays humans perform their daily chores with the help of artificial lighting. From room light to mobile device light. Artificial light enters the retina passing through the cornea, pupil and lens.

No doubt artificial lighting has supported an improved lifestyle but there are growing concerns about its impact on eye health.

Eye Clinic Calgary

The Basics of Artificial Lighting

Every individual must understand how artificial light impacts our eyes. Our eyes perceive and adapt differently to natural light as compared to artificial light.

There are different types of artificial light available on the market such as incandescent bulbs, fluorescent lamps, and LED lights. Each light emits its light differently which impacts our eyes diversely. Understanding these distinctions is crucial to grasping their potential effects on eye health.

Blue Light and Its Effects

You may not know but every day your eye health gets impacted by blue light. Do you know which devices emit blue light? Well, the answer is mobile, laptop, LED TV and various machines with in-built digital touch screens. 

These devices emit blue light that penetrates deep into the eye and can potentially cause retinal damage over time. What can harm your eyes more is prolonged exposure to blue light. It usually causes dryness, irritation and blurred vision. Although blue light causes harm to your eyes, it is important to note that it also plays a vital role in accomplishing our daily tasks.

Digital Eye Strain

One day or the other you too must have felt digital eye strain. This happens because of the excessive use of digital devices. It is a common eye issue that includes headaches, neck pain and difficulty focusing. 

These symptoms are often exacerbated by poor lighting conditions and prolonged screen time. Thus working under natural light is important. Do spend as much time under natural light as you can.

The Role of Lighting in Workspaces

Adequate lighting is vital inside your office or workspace where you spend maximum hours accomplishing your regular official work.

Working under proper light reduces digital strain and enhances productivity. Try to reduce working time under artificial light and increase working time under natural light. Artificial lights that are overly bright or dim usually cause discomfort and make it difficult for our eyes to focus.

Preventive Measures and Recommendations

Adhering to various preventative measures can safeguard your eye health. Follow the below-given tips to keep your eyes safe from digital strain.

Adjust screen setting: While using digital devices emitting blue light lower the brightness and use the blue light filter.

Use Proper Lighting: Work in proper light if possible and use adjustable lighting fixtures.

Maintain Distance: Keep a reasonable distance between your eyes and digital screens.

The Future of Artificial Lighting and Eye Health

As technology advances, so does our understanding of the impact of artificial lighting on eye health. Innovations such as smart lighting systems and improved screen technologies aim to reduce the adverse effects. 

Educating ourselves about these advancements and adopting healthier lighting habits can help protect our eyes in the long run.


Eye Clinic Calgary experts always educate their patients about the worst effects of working for hours under artificial lighting. 


They know that artificial lighting is an integral part of our daily lives. Although it offers many benefits it has a negative impact too. So we need to be aware of its potential impacts on eye health and should keep on taking proactive measures.