Shield Your Eyes: A Guide To Computer Vision Syndrome

Optometrist Calgary AB

At present, no one can imagine accomplishing their office work on time without a computer. Yes, computers have helped humans manage their daily office tasks with ease, saving much time. To accomplish these tasks, humans need to spend uncountable hours in front of a computer screen, causing irritation and dryness to the eyes. 

Eyecare Plus educates customers on how continuous exposure to harmful rays from computer screens has caused issues in their eyes. Optometrist Calgary AB suggests blinking, closing, or giving rest to your eyes after every hour of constantly working on the computer. 

Whether you work on a computer to accomplish your office tasks or watch movies every day, it is important to save your eyes from Computer Vision Syndrome. Below in this article, we will have shared in depth about CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome)

Optometrist Calgary AB

Understanding Computer Vision Syndrome

As per optometrists, CVS is also known as Digital Eye Strain. It is an eye disorder that occurs in human eyes due to overexposure in front of the screen. Over usage of other digital devices such as smartphones, tablets and others also increase the chances of facing this issue. 

The main reason people face this difficulty is due to constant focus and refocus of eyes on the pixels and text on these screens. Extended exposure to computer screens can strain the eyes due to pixelated images and glare, affecting focus and comfort.

What is the Main Cause of CVS?

Prolonged daily use of digital devices is a primary contributor to Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). As per experts, working in front of a computer screen two hours a day is enough to trigger this serious issue. Constantly focusing and refocusing while performing tasks on a computer screen triggers eye issues. 

Low-contrast screens strain the eyes, making it harder to read text and forcing the eyes to work more. Remember to adjust your monitor settings for better contrast to reduce eye strain. While focusing on the small text on the screen, working individuals forget to blink their eyes for 2-3 minutes, reducing lubrication to the eyes. 

How to Recognize You Have CVS?

To diagnose this syndrome, eye specialists suggest going for a comprehensive eye exam. A thorough examination will allow the eye specialist to know why this issue occurred. All individuals do not have the same symptoms if suffering from this disease. But the most common issues declaring CVS are dry eyes, eye strain, and blurry vision.If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s likely that you have developed CVS in your eyes. It is important to get treated for this issue. If ignored, it can lead to permanent vision loss.

How To Ease Digital Eye Strain?

Many easy ways will help you to protect your eyes from CVS. According to the optometrist and eye specialist, while accomplishing tasks with digital devices, adjust your computer screen at least 2 feet away from your eyes. Sitting too close increases risk. Another easy way to keep yourself away from this serious eye syndrome is to blink frequently. Blinking is one of the easy ways to end various eye issues as it keeps our eye lubricated reducing dryness.

During the blinking process, our eyes spread moisture across the eyes, maintaining their comfort level. These days, most job professionals prefer to wear eyeglasses with Blue Light protection lenses. High-quality eyeglasses reduce the risk of eyestrain and other issues. 

Final Words!

Optometrist Calgary AB guides people to prioritize eye health. To end eye issues such as Computer Vision Syndrome, follow healthy habits. Focus on taking benefit of technology without causing harm to your eyes.