Clear Vision: Essential Tips Protect Your Eyes From Air Pollution

Eye Clinic Calgary

Carbon emissions have raised air pollution in every city across the globe. Worse air pollution causes eye issues and other medical problems. Harmful smoke, dust, and gases available in the air emitted by vehicles, chemical industries and refineries cause loss and suffering to our eyes.

However, the famous eye clinic Calgary usually suggests helpful tips to keep eyes protected from air pollution. At Eyecare Plus, we guide every customer that eye safety is their priority and keeping them safe from air pollutants is essential. 

Our eyes are the most sensitive part of our body. Because of its maximum exposure to air, they get hearted with because of bad air quality around us. Some people face redness, dryness, and even allergies in their eyes due to air pollution. So protecting them is vital. Keep reading to learn protection tips.

Eye Clinic Calgary

1. Wear Sunglasses or Protective Glasses

You may have seen people wearing sunglasses and Anti-glare glasses. Some may wear it for a sense of style, but some aware people wear it to protect their eyes from air pollution. Just like a face mask saves us from inhaling dirty air, sunglasses safeguard our eyes from harmful air pollutants. They keep our eyes safe, especially when we drive a motorbike, cycle, or moppet where our eyes have direct exposure to air. To keep your eyes healthy, wear sunglasses or shades. 

2. Never Rub Your Eyes To Maintain Healthy Vision

As per eye experts, rubbing eyes firmly may lead to low vision or other eye problems. You may feel a sensation or irritation in your eyes when coming in direct contact with air pollutants. To get rid of sensation, you may rub your eye, but it should be avoided or stopped. Rubbing eyes with dirty hands can result in infection. Instead, follow some gentle alternatives, such as the use of artificial tears or lubricating eye drops to relieve irritation or other symptoms caused by air pollution. 

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Not only do artificial tear drops help in reducing dryness caused by air pollution, but increasing water intake also helps. Air pollution usually causes inflammation in the eye, but you can get relief from it by drinking 3-4 litres of water a day or by using cold compresses. Pressing soft eyes with an ice pack ends itchiness, redness, swelling and dryness. For more comfort, flushing out toxins from the body with excess water is a great idea. 

4. Eat Food Rich In Eye Friendly Nutrients

Boosting the immunity of the eyes helps in reducing the terrible effects of air pollution. Do add eye-friendly nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin A and others to your diet to maintain eye function. If you are facing an eye issue due to air pollution, you can add carrots, Leafy Greens, eggs, Sweet Potatoes, Berries and other best foods to your meals for better eye health. These nutritional foods reduce the risk of issues caused by air pollution and other serious eye diseases. 

Final Words!

Eye Clinic Calgary suggests that regular eye check-ups are crucial to keeping eyes safe from air pollution. By following the above-given tips, you can cope with difficulties appearing in your eyes because of air pollution. By preventing pollutants from causing discomfort, you can reduce the risk of serious eye issues and enjoy a healthy life.